
Hongying Chen, Zhiyu Liu, Guo Tian(田国), Gui Wang, Yihang Guo, Zongwen Duan, Di Wu, Yu Deng, Guoyu Wang, Zhipeng Hou, Deyang Chen, Zhen Fan, Minghui Qin, Ji-Yan Dai, Jun-Ming Liu(刘俊明) and Xingsen Gao(高兴森)

Tunable topological domain structures in high-density PbTiO3 nanodots array

Applied Physics Letters 124, 262901 (2024)

In this work, we demonstrated that tunable topological domain structures, e.g., center-type domains and skyrmion-like polar bubbles, can be generated at room temperature in high-density epitaxial PbTiO3 nanodots fabricated via the template-assisted tailoring of thin films. These topological domain structures can be manipulated electrically by applying an appropriate bias on the conductive atomic force microscopy tip, allowing for writing, erasing, and rewriting of topological domains into the nanodot. Moreover, ring-shaped conductive channels are observed around the center-type domain states. These findings provide a playground for further exploring their emerging functionalities and application potentials for nanoelectronics.