
Haowen Wang, Fan Wang, Ming Yang, Yuting Chang, Mengyi Shi, Liang Li, Jun-Ming Liu(刘俊明), Junfeng Wang(王俊峰), Shuai Dong(董帅), and Chengliang Lu(陆成亮)

Observation of Universal Topological Magnetoelectric Switching in Multiferroic GdMn2O5

Physical Review Letters 134, 016708(2025)

Topological magnetoelectricity was recently revealed as an emergent topic, which opens a unique route to precisely control magnetoelectric functionality. Here we report the synchronous magnetic-electric-cycle operation of topological magnetoelectric switching in GdMn2O5. Compared with pure magnetic-cycle operation, this topological winding can be accessed in a much broader parameter space, i.e., orientation of the magnetic field is not limited to the magic angle and the effect can persist up to the Curie temperature. The fine-tuning of the free energy landscape is responsible for this topological behavior.